Chrysalis Streaming

Meet Chrysalis Streaming

What is Chrysalis Streaming?

A Chrysalis is the form a caterpillar takes before it emerges from its cocoon as a fully formed moth or butterfly. Chrysalis Streaming was named after this to represent a similar phenomena - change, namely changing perceptions around STEM amongst black and brown students.

As referenced throughout today’s session, there is a discrepancy between the percentage of black & brown Americans residing in the United States and the percentage that are pursuing STEM degrees and entering the STEM workforce. Chrysalis was created to address this by creating culturally relevant STEM stories and partnering with black & brown role models in STEM careers to feature the amazing things they do!

Our on-demand streaming platform features culturally relevant original animated stories and influencer-created videos encompassing a wide variety of STEM disciplines.

Here’s a sneak peak!

Click the following link and enter the password “Spring2023Pilot”

Click the following link and enter the password “Spring2023Pilot”

For more information, feel free to check out our promotional deck below:

Chrysalis Streaming Inc (Promo Deck).pdf

Pilot Data

Take a look at some of the insights we’ve gathered from the first two years of piloting Chrysalis…

Percent change increase from pre-assessment to post-assessment after watching videos on the Chrysalis platform. Data from Spring 2023 pilot at Pierce Middle School in Milton, MA.

Percent change increase from pre-assessment to post-assessment after watching videos on the Chrysalis platform. Data from Spring 2023 pilot at Pierce Middle School in Milton, MA.

Percent change increase from pre-assessment to post-assessment after watching videos on the Chrysalis platform. Data from Spring 2022 pilot at Weber Middle School in Port Washington, NY & Spring 2023 pilot at Pierce Middle School in Milton, MA.

Percent change increase from pre-assessment to post-assessment after watching videos on the Chrysalis platform. Data from Spring 2022 pilot at Weber Middle School in Port Washington, NY & Spring 2023 pilot at Pierce Middle School in Milton, MA.

Students were asked to rank their answer to the posed question on a scale of 1-10. Data from Spring 2022 pilot at Weber Middle School in Port Washington, NY & Spring 2023 pilot at Pierce Middle School in Milton, MA.

Students were asked to rank their answer to the posed question on a scale of 1-10. Data from Spring 2022 pilot at Weber Middle School in Port Washington, NY & Spring 2023 pilot at Pierce Middle School in Milton, MA.