Incorporating PBL into STEM Education

6 Tips to help you incorporate STEM into PBL.png

Check out this [BLOG]( Learning (PBL),real-world problem or challenge.) to learn more

Incorporating Design Thinking into STEM Education

d.Loft STEM Learning, a project of The National Science Foundation ITEST program, used design thinking as an underlying theoretical and pedagogical approach to enhance STEM learning

Creative Confidence - Kelley and Kelley (2013) describe creative confidence as the belief in one’s ability to create change in the world. Creative confidence is the ability to come up with new ideas and the courage to try them out. It is built upon generating new approaches and solutions. This notion was the theoretical foundation that undergirded the STEM Learning project, which focused on the integration of design thinking, STEM learning and mentorship

Supplemental Reading

Stretch, Dream, and Do - A 21st Century Design Thinking & STEM Journey


This paper describes the journey of d.Loft STEM Learning, a project of The National Science Foundation ITEST program, which supports building knowledge about approaches, models, and interventions involving K-12 education to increase the nation’s capacity and innovation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. d.Loft STEM Learning used design thinking as an underlying theoretical and pedagogical approach to enhance STEM learning. Design thinking is a human-centered, prototype-driven innovation process and a series of mindsets that provides a robust scaffold for divergent problem-solving. This paper describes how the design thinking provided a frame within which mentorship and STEM learning thrived, and suggests new ways to conceptualize student learning and teacher practice in 21st century learning contexts.


Carroll, M. (2015). Stretch, Dream, and Do - A 21st Century Design Thinking & STEM Journey.