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Initiatives Recording.m4a


“Whenever I am asked why I founded Chrysalis, I share a story from my high school days. After AP Biology class, I walked into the locker room and asked my basketball teammates why they weren't in the same advanced STEM courses as me. Our team was diverse, reflecting the school's demographics, but the honors and AP STEM classes didn't represent that diversity.

One teammate responded, "I don't see how what I learn in those classes applies to the real world. It feels pointless, especially if I think I'll fail."

That conversation inspired me to create Chrysalis. Our mission is to demonstrate the relevance of STEM concepts while incorporating culturally responsive pedagogy. In this section, you'll find videos that can spark ideas on how to show your students the real-world applications of STEM.

Let's break down those barriers and empower students by showcasing the practical and impactful aspects of STEM education. Together, we can foster a sense of purpose and help students see how their learning can make a difference in the world.”

Environmental Sustainability

The SolarSPELL (Solar Powered Educational Learning Library) project, which uses solar-powered digital libraries to provide educational resources to communities with limited access to electricity and internet connectivity, addressing both educational and energy challenges.

Healthcare and Medical Innovations

The Foldscope project, which provides low-cost, portable microscopes made from folded paper, enabling healthcare workers and students in resource-limited settings to conduct basic diagnostics and explore the microscopic world.